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Work From Home featuring Sandra Lau


I sincerely hope that you and your family are staying safe and healthy.

Given today’s exceptional circumstances, the committee members of Edmonton Women in Finance (EWF) have decided to challenge ourselves, and to share our working from home experience.  

I would like to take this opportunity to share with you my journey thus far.

I must admit, I had minor anxiety as I learned about working from home at the beginning:  

  • How will the market function?  How do I stay on top of the market?  

  • How do I stay in touch with my colleagues and my contacts?

  • Are two monitors, a Surface, an iPad, and two phones sufficient and will all this technology still allow me to do my job right?

  • What exactly is Microsoft Teams – how does this work again?  

  • How will my fragile desk at home hold up to all the equipment that I have piled onto it?

  • Or in general, how do I make sure everything is “business as usual”?

After two months of working from home, I have realized that it is anything but “business as usual”, and it will not be.  However, it is fine. I have realized that this working from home experience reminds me of the following:

  • All the issues that I have worried about are relatively insignificant.  Please let me explain.  What we are going through now is an unprecedented situation.  It is an extreme challenging moment for our world and economy.  It reminds me to put things into perspective.

  • Social distancing is not social isolation.  In this difficult time, it is important to support each other.  Do not underestimate how a friendly and sincere check-in can make a big difference in someone’s day.  Reach out and stay connected.  Give help to those who are in need.

  • Work from home can be exhausting.  Each day seems to run into the next day.  I recently learned a term called “Zoom fatigue”.  It is important to know when to stop working, take a break, or even take a holiday.  Take good care of yourself, both physically and mentally.

  • It is an extremely difficult moment.  However, I firmly believe that this storm will past. Stay positive.

I hope I will see you soon in our next EWF virtual event.  We are also looking for mentors to help us building our mentorship programs, both for post-secondary students and for women in the Finance industry.  Join us or spread the word for us.

I am looking forward to hearing about your working from home experience!


Co-founder/Co-chair, Edmonton Women in Finance

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